OYAK Asset Management Dividend-Paying First Hedge (TRY) Fund - OKF

Last Update : 12.03.2025 - 9:00

Portfolio Details

Date of Public Offering :22.04.2022
Total Fund Value :4,889,012,469.65
Unit Fund Value :0.000000
Portfolio Distribution
Reverse Repo%0.07
Takasbank Money Market Transactions and Domestic Organized Money Market Transactions%0.01
Term Deposit%0.82
Public Debt Instruments%0.09

Fund Investment Purpose/Strategy

The fund has the status of a hedge fund and may be sold to legal entities and collective investment organizations, such as associations, foundations, funds, and cooperatives, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable communiqué on sales to qualified investors.

The main investment strategy of the fund is to provide absolute return in Turkish Lira. Foreign currency assets, gold and other precious metals, and capital market instruments based on them, will not be included in the fund portfolio. In addition, organized and/or over-the-counter derivative instruments for foreign currency assets and gold, other precious metals, and capital market instruments based on them will not be included in the fund portfolio.

In accordance with the main management strategy, the manager may simultaneously take long or short positions in different money and capital market instruments in order to achieve the Fund's main investment objective. The Fund may invest in any securities directly, or indirectly through derivative instruments. The Fund has no management restrictions in terms of liquidity or maturity. The Fund portfolio may consist of all assets and transactions specified in article 4 of the Communiqué.
The Fund aims to provide capital gains and increase the portfolio value by investing in money and capital market instruments, other investment instruments deemed appropriate by the Board, contracts to be concluded as a party, financial transactions, and securities, in accordance with its investment forecast.

Only TRY-denominated assets and transactions will be included in the fund portfolio. Repo and reverse repo transactions (including securities-preferred and stock repo/reverse repo transactions) backed by all types of assets accepted as collateral by the Capital Markets Board, Takasbank Money Market, domestic organized/over-the-counter money market transactions, government debt securities, private sector securities (company shares and debt instruments) issued by businesses resident in Türkiye, credit-linked notes (CLN), lease certificates issued by public or private sector, asset-backed securities and/or asset-guaranteed securities, TRY-denominated securities issued by foreign issuers, derivative instruments including warrants, certificates and swap transactions/contracts based on said assets and/or indexes created on said assets, structured investment instruments and domestically established venture capital investment funds, and TRY-denominated investment funds, exchange-traded funds, real estate investment funds and stock-intensive funds, money market funds, short-term debt instruments and short-term lease certificates fund participation shares, and also any type of investment partnership shares may be included in the fund portfolio as TRY-denominated assets and transactions. A significant portion of the fund portfolio may be used for TRY deposits in circumstances brought on by the market conditions.

In order to produce revenue for the fund and/or to provide risk hedging, leveraged transactions may be undertaken on TRY assets in the fund portfolio. These transactions may include forwards, futures contracts, options, swaps, embedded derivatives, warrants, certificates, forward transactions, repo transactions, credit utilization, short selling, and other similar transactions that create leverage.

Founder / Manager Details

Founder’s Trade NameOYAK Asset Management
Portfolio Manager’s Trade NameOYAK Asset Management

Shareholding Structure of the Founder

OYAK SecuritiesTL 10,000,00010,000,000100%

Benchmarking Criteria

Fund CodeBenchmarking Criteria
OKFThe threshold value of the fund has been determined as the BIST TLREF Index.

Rates of Fund Management Fees and Entry / Exit Commissions

Daily Rate of Fund Management FeeApproximately 0.00685% (six point eighty five per hundred thousand) of the Total Fund Value
Annual Rate of Fund Management FeeIt is applied at an annual rate of approximately 2.5% (two point five per cent).
Entry-Exit CommissionsNo commission is charged when entering or exiting this fund.

Trading Information

Minimum Number of Shares to be PurchasedThe minimum amount in the first buying order for each investor is TL 5,000,000 (five million Turkish Liras). A first buying order below this value will not be accepted. The minimum limit will not be applied to the new buying orders of the existing fund participation share holders. There is no minimum limit on selling orders for investors.
Trading Hours8:30 a.m – 1:00 p.m.
Trading PlacesThe trade name and contact details of organizations that have signed an active marketing and distribution contract with the founder can be found below.

Trade NameContact Details
OYAK Securitieswww.oyakyatirim.com.tr
Ayazağa Mahallesi Kemerburgaz Caddesi Vadi İstanbul Park
7B Blok No:7C Kat:18 Sarıyer / İstanbul
0212 319 12 00
The Warning Notice issued as per the “Communiqué on Principles Regarding Investment Services and Activities and Ancillary Services”, by the Capital Markets Board: “The information, opinions, and suggestions on investment contained herein do not fall under the purview of investment consulting. The risk and return preferences of each client are taken into consideration by authorized institutions that offer personalized investment consulting services. The comments and recommendations contained herein, on the other hand, are of a general nature. These suggestions might not be appropriate for your financial position and your preferred level of risk and return. Therefore, making an investment decision based solely on the information contained herein may not yield results that meet your expectations.”