HDI Fiba Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. OYAK Asset Management Variable - EHG

Last Update : 12.03.2025 - 12:00

Portfolio Details

Date of Public Offering :17.07.2009
Total Fund Value :206,790,221.84
Unit Fund Value :0.246585
Portfolio Distribution
Domestic Equity%0.39
Reverse Repo%0.09
Takasbank Money Market Transactions and Domestic Organized Money Market Transactions%0.04
Participation Accounts%0.12
Public Debt Instruments%0.24

Fund Investment Purpose/Strategy

By investing its entire portfolio in all or some of the asset types listed in article 2.4 of the fund prospectus, in line with shifting market conditions, the fund seeks to take advantage of market opportunities and to generate income through both capital gains, and dividends and interest.

When managing the fund portfolio, capital market instruments which are less risky and which are easily convertible into cash are preferred during the selection of capital market instruments in which an investment will be made. The price fluctuation of the assets that the fund will invest in will be at a moderate level and the risk value will be at the level of 3 to 4.

Founder / Manager Details

Portfolio Manager’s Trade NameOYAK Asset Management

Shareholding Structure of the Founder

FİBA Holding A.Ş.TL 18,850,00094.25%
OtherTL 1,150,0005.75%
TotalTL 20,000,000100%

Benchmarking Criteria

Fund CodeBenchmarking Criteria
EHG100% BIST-KYD (Turkish Institutional Investment Managers’ Association) 1-Month TRY Deposit Index

Rates of Fund Management Fees and Entry / Exit Commissions

Annual Rate of Fund Management Fee1
Entry-Exit CommissionsNo commission is charged when entering or exiting this fund.

Trading Information

Minimum Number of Shares to be Purchased0.001
The Warning Notice issued as per the “Communiqué on Principles Regarding Investment Services and Activities and Ancillary Services”, by the Capital Markets Board: “The information, opinions, and suggestions on investment contained herein do not fall under the purview of investment consulting. The risk and return preferences of each client are taken into consideration by authorized institutions that offer personalized investment consulting services. The comments and recommendations contained herein, on the other hand, are of a general nature. These suggestions might not be appropriate for your financial position and your preferred level of risk and return. Therefore, making an investment decision based solely on the information contained herein may not yield results that meet your expectations.”